The Classic Villa Antiope is named after Antiope, a mythological figure known for her extraordinary beauty. Daughter of the river Asopus and Nereus, king of Thebes and Ares, Antiope was also queen of the Amazons. Loved by Zeus, she begat the twins Antion and Zeta. In mythology, Antiope is linked to the character of Pierius, both alternately presented as parents of the seven Muses and seven maidens who, after a defeated contest, were turned into birds.

The Classic Villa Antiope features a closet with mirrored doors that expands the space and bathes the entire room in natural light. The elegantly appointed furniture lends a balanced and refined look to the room. This understated room is ideal for any person seeking comfort and tranquility while staying at Villa Clodia. With its classic and cozy design, the Classic Villa Antiope promises an unforgettable stay experience for guests who wish to immerse themselves in the history and beauty of Greek mythology.



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The Classic Villa Antiope is named after Antiope, a mythological figure known for her extraordinary beauty. Daughter of the river Asopus and Nereus, king of Thebes and Ares, Antiope was also queen of the Amazons. Loved by Zeus, she begat the twins Antion and Zeta. In mythology, Antiope is linked to the character of Pierius, both alternately presented as parents of the seven Muses and seven maidens who, after a defeated contest, were turned into birds.

The Classic Villa Antiope features a closet with mirrored doors that expands the space and bathes the entire room in natural light. The elegantly appointed furniture lends a balanced and refined look to the room. This understated room is ideal for any person seeking comfort and tranquility while staying at Villa Clodia. With its classic and cozy design, the Classic Villa Antiope promises an unforgettable stay experience for guests who wish to immerse themselves in the history and beauty of Greek mythology.



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